Final Fantasy III was released for the Super Nintendo in North America 30 years ago today.
@qlp omg I remember playing this in a college dorm room
@darkuncle I rented the game for the week that my mom and then step-father were on their wedding honeymoon and played the living heck out of it.
I cranked up the volume as I fell in love with the music (as with any Final Fantasy game I had played).
When I got the game as a gift, I was absolutely ecstatic.
@qlp as soon as I saw your post, the victory music *immediately* started playing in my head
@darkuncle Same exact thing happened when I saw Final Fantasy Distant Worlds post it on Instagram. I knew I had to use the victory dance GIF for my post here. The battle themes and the victory fanfare for the game are peak Final Fantasy (sorry Final Fantasy VII fans).